The Dowry system in India
Dowry Means
Dowry means the payment made in cash or kind by the bride's father to the bride groom at the time of marriage.In the olden days it a custom to give 'varakatnam'(Dowry)at the time of Kanya Danam (marriage ).The parents of the bride used to give gifts to their daughter out of love, according to their status.
Demand Dowry
But with the passage of time it beame an evil practice to demand a huge amount of dowry from the parents of the girls. Though many evils such as 'Sathi, Purda'system, child marriages are removed, the dowry system continued to exhist in the society.
There are some reason for its continuance. The first reason is the status of women in the society. We have been treating women inferior to men. The parents think that the girls is always a burden to them. so the bride -groom demands some gifts to bear to the economic dependence of women upon man.
DOWRY has been responsible for a number of suicides and murders among young woman. So, the Government passed Anti -Dowry Act in 1961, prohibiting taking as well as giving dowry. Many social reformers also condemned this practice.
Women awareness Dowry system
Now a days there is a lot of awareness among the woman. They feel that they should also get good education and employment to stand on their leg. The young boys are also feeling that it is shame on their part to demand dowry Literacy and social awareness among the young boys and girls may help to root out this evil from our society.
Dowry system is a brack mark on Indian culture
Men should understand that the women are not a burden to them. They are the companions and life partners . With out Woman, there is no life to man,unless he is a sage or a great social reformer.
We should feel that dowry system is a brack mark on Indian culture. So, all of us should take a vow to drive away this evil from our society.